Highlights from the 2021 World Field Epidemiology Day

TEPHINET declared September 7, 2021 the inaugural World Field Epidemiology Day and invited partners across the globe to join us in recognizing the contributions and importance of field epidemiologists to achieving health for all.

We asked, and you delivered.

Here’s how.

#WorldFieldEpidemiologyDay on Social Media

A multitude of diverse and passionate voices celebrated World Field Epidemiology Day across social media. #WorldFieldEpidemiologyDay had a total of 2,300 social media mentions, with 49,200 shares and a total estimated reach of 28.4 million people across platforms.

Leading global health institutions and Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs), as well as students, field epidemiologists and other public health professionals shared photos, videos, stories and perspectives highlighting the significance of field epidemiology not only to public health, but also to their own lives.

Some used World Field Epidemiology Day as an occasion to advocate for increased governmental investment in health systems strengthening, while others reflected on their greatest successes and challenges as professional field epidemiologists. Many expressed gratitude for the work of field epidemiologists, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since TEPHINET cannot possibly capture all of the exciting social media engagement within this email, we invite you to check it out for yourselves! See all #WorldFieldEpidemiologyDay posts on:

Articles, Events, and Other Content

Our partners around the world registered 11 global events in honor of the first World Field Epidemiology Day. See the list of events.

In addition, several partners published special World Field Epidemiology Day content. See the list below.


African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET)

Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET)

Ethiopia Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP)

  • The Ethiopian FELTP held a virtual panel discussion on the topic of, "Building Global Emergency Response Capacity with FETP."

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)


Field Epidemiology in Action

International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID)

National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) of South Africa

National Institute of Health of Mozambique

  • Epidemiologists share their experiences since joining the Mozambique FELTP: Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3

New York Medical College

Public Health Wales

REDSUR (South American Field Epidemiology Network)

Tanzania Field and Laboratory Epidemiologists' Association (TANFLEA)

  • TANFLEA held an event with members as well as representatives from the Ministry of Health, CDC, WHO, and FAO. The Minister of Health was the guest of honor for the event on September 7. Pre-event, TANFLEA arranged a press conference and media coverage to raise awareness of the role of epidemiologists and laboratory experts in responding to public health threats. Other activities included COVID-19 health education and vaccination advocacy as well as health screenings for the public.

Turkey Field Epidemiology Training Program

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response (WPSAR) Journal

Zambia Field Epidemiology Training Program

Did we miss something? Send it to us at secretariat [at] tephinet [dot] org.

A Special Thanks to Our Partners

Thank you to the 40+ organizations that signed up to be official World Field Epidemiology Day partners, thereby expressing a commitment to amplifying the message of World Field Epidemiology Day. Your support helped make the inaugural World Field Epidemiology Day a success!